Mar 6, 2012

breaking news! of hi-ss-tory.

if televised, the dead are more important
brought to court, the outrage more legit

once it happens off the frame 
nothing can support the claim
of suffering. no audience will hear
cruel deeds without a medium
don't have the same appeal
a distant pain is such a bore...

but hand me some photos of a war,
not black nor white, but crimson,
I emote. so sad. so dead. 

hollow eyes of starving children
twiglike limbs of detainees
mushroom clouds and brave young pilots
bring my heartstrings to my sleeve

did you see the towers crumble?
count the dead in middle east?
plain statistics are too humble
for the eye not quite the treat

hot and salty, sticky, rolling 
lower, dropping from the cheeks
I hope someone clicked record 
while men were murdered on the street
kids are crying and women wailing 
bright in color, clear in sound
and their woes gain more momentum 
and the punishment more ground

where is god? they yelled in anguish
where was man? were answered back
if you didn't catch the footage 
it won't count as proven fact

so go suffer if you have to 
but please try to entertain
I won't blink twice for the corpses
numbers really have no name

1 comment:

  1. I can feel the pain of those mushroom clouds, woman :)
