Mar 28, 2012


on esimene päev
mis veedan sinuta


kuid tean, et selle päeva
ja ka kõik järgmised
ma elan. elusalt
end muutes paremaks
ehk tasa targemaks
ja aina kasvades

on esimene päev
mil kaugelt sõnumeid
su poole lähetan
ja soojenen su hääles

on esimene päev
ma toksin telefoni tekstikasti sadu suudluseid
aeg ees veel pikk on oodata
pikk armastada vahemaa

on esimene päev
kuid tean, mu mõtete kalendris
üks koidab, teine päev
soe suveilm
õrn tuulehoog
ja sinu naeratus

taas tarduv ümbritsev
ja sinu silmad - silmad
on valgust täis
ja minu suul, mu huultel
taas omatahtsi naer
ja meie ümber maailm
las pöörleb edasi

me ees on terve elu
pikk avar armastus
ja nii ei tunne valu
ma olles üksinda need kuud

sest sinu hääl ja sõnad
ja soojus südamest
mind hoiab hoolimata 
me vahekaugustest

Mar 25, 2012


so many a thing I have learned in your land
and yet I have had to return

I'm a vessel, not empty nor full
so many a time I have left and arrived
so many a time felt the pull
towards Turkey
and never known why

many other a person has wondered
what it is that keeps bringing me back
last time, old and wise-eyed, a woman
said I must be on destiny's track

her words pierced me deep, as her eyesight
but I still could not say what I seek
as a rose growing petals, a bird earning wings
I am not.
I stand strong on my feet.

no singular value nor humanly joy
would fill me, none of them keep
me buying tickets
and packing my bags
not even the fun I have had

wrapped into her emerald gaze
I sighed as I had to admit
I haven’t the slightest idea
but fate is too strong of a word
I dare not to use it
I fear

however, many a time
her words ring so true in my ears

I am right where I needed to be
meeting people I needed to see
Turkey still, with its treasures enriches my heart
dominion it holds over me

for Fatih 
13th of March 2012

Mar 21, 2012


kuu sündis
päikese valgusesse
teadsid sa?

kuu sündis 
päikese valgusesse
kas nägid?

ei näinudki? kuis nii?
oled kindel?

olgu, sain aru,
sinu kuu ja su päike on eraldi veel
te veel kohtunud pole, kas nii?
aga mina, usu, nägin kuis hommiku eel

kuu sündis
mõistad sa?

ta valgus tuli mu ellu


ay doğmuş
güneş ışığına
biliyor muydun?

ay doğmuş
güneş ışığına
görüyor muydun?

görmedin mi? nasıl?
emin misin?

peki, anladım ki,
senin ayın, güneşın tam ayrı
hala tanımadın sen, değil mi?
fakat ben, inan bana, gördüm

ay doğmuş
anlıyor musun?

ışığı girmiş hayatıma

Mar 6, 2012

breaking news! of hi-ss-tory.

if televised, the dead are more important
brought to court, the outrage more legit

once it happens off the frame 
nothing can support the claim
of suffering. no audience will hear
cruel deeds without a medium
don't have the same appeal
a distant pain is such a bore...

but hand me some photos of a war,
not black nor white, but crimson,
I emote. so sad. so dead. 

hollow eyes of starving children
twiglike limbs of detainees
mushroom clouds and brave young pilots
bring my heartstrings to my sleeve

did you see the towers crumble?
count the dead in middle east?
plain statistics are too humble
for the eye not quite the treat

hot and salty, sticky, rolling 
lower, dropping from the cheeks
I hope someone clicked record 
while men were murdered on the street
kids are crying and women wailing 
bright in color, clear in sound
and their woes gain more momentum 
and the punishment more ground

where is god? they yelled in anguish
where was man? were answered back
if you didn't catch the footage 
it won't count as proven fact

so go suffer if you have to 
but please try to entertain
I won't blink twice for the corpses
numbers really have no name