Aug 21, 2012


taevas tänatud, et leidub ligimesi
niivõrd purulolle,
et neilt saab õppida - ja piiritult!
suurt sooja tolerantsi

ja enamgi -
tudeerida, kuis 
neist hoida 
hooletut distantsi

Jun 10, 2012

eski güneşime

severken ben
kendimi değiştirdim

onunla hem
hem de
çok zehirlendim

mutsuzluktan gitmeye
üç kez karar verdim

hep giderken
takip etti beni
sevdiğini, özlediğini sürekli söyledi
hep farklı olacak dedi
ve hiç olmadı
aksine, yanındayken
hep aynı, bitkin bok

nasıl bir insan oldum ben
nasıl zehirlendim
topraktan yıldıza kadar
hep seveceğim sandım de -
iyi ki olmadi

kalbi o kadar bozuk
yalnız, ve allahsız
ruhu o kadar kayıp
zayıf, eğitimsiz

dördüncü kez
günah işledim ben
çok kötü acıttım onu
tüm gücümle vurdum
dümdüz, kalbine
ikimiz kırsın diye
bozulduk, ikimiz. 
ve başağrıymış.

üç gündür kendimden
çok nefret ettim ve

sonunda af. affettim.
şu an işte hayatımda
ne bok
ne de güneş
nihayet ki

fakat bugünler o yılan
yalnız, mutsuz
korkunç insan
yine arıyor beni
yine özlüyor
beni düşünür, diyor

yasamayı gerçekten hiç
bile bilmiyor
benle mutlu olamadı
bensiz de üzüyor

nasıl bir insan
ne yazık
iyi ki benden
çok uzak

Mar 28, 2012


on esimene päev
mis veedan sinuta


kuid tean, et selle päeva
ja ka kõik järgmised
ma elan. elusalt
end muutes paremaks
ehk tasa targemaks
ja aina kasvades

on esimene päev
mil kaugelt sõnumeid
su poole lähetan
ja soojenen su hääles

on esimene päev
ma toksin telefoni tekstikasti sadu suudluseid
aeg ees veel pikk on oodata
pikk armastada vahemaa

on esimene päev
kuid tean, mu mõtete kalendris
üks koidab, teine päev
soe suveilm
õrn tuulehoog
ja sinu naeratus

taas tarduv ümbritsev
ja sinu silmad - silmad
on valgust täis
ja minu suul, mu huultel
taas omatahtsi naer
ja meie ümber maailm
las pöörleb edasi

me ees on terve elu
pikk avar armastus
ja nii ei tunne valu
ma olles üksinda need kuud

sest sinu hääl ja sõnad
ja soojus südamest
mind hoiab hoolimata 
me vahekaugustest

Mar 25, 2012


so many a thing I have learned in your land
and yet I have had to return

I'm a vessel, not empty nor full
so many a time I have left and arrived
so many a time felt the pull
towards Turkey
and never known why

many other a person has wondered
what it is that keeps bringing me back
last time, old and wise-eyed, a woman
said I must be on destiny's track

her words pierced me deep, as her eyesight
but I still could not say what I seek
as a rose growing petals, a bird earning wings
I am not.
I stand strong on my feet.

no singular value nor humanly joy
would fill me, none of them keep
me buying tickets
and packing my bags
not even the fun I have had

wrapped into her emerald gaze
I sighed as I had to admit
I haven’t the slightest idea
but fate is too strong of a word
I dare not to use it
I fear

however, many a time
her words ring so true in my ears

I am right where I needed to be
meeting people I needed to see
Turkey still, with its treasures enriches my heart
dominion it holds over me

for Fatih 
13th of March 2012

Mar 21, 2012


kuu sündis
päikese valgusesse
teadsid sa?

kuu sündis 
päikese valgusesse
kas nägid?

ei näinudki? kuis nii?
oled kindel?

olgu, sain aru,
sinu kuu ja su päike on eraldi veel
te veel kohtunud pole, kas nii?
aga mina, usu, nägin kuis hommiku eel

kuu sündis
mõistad sa?

ta valgus tuli mu ellu


ay doğmuş
güneş ışığına
biliyor muydun?

ay doğmuş
güneş ışığına
görüyor muydun?

görmedin mi? nasıl?
emin misin?

peki, anladım ki,
senin ayın, güneşın tam ayrı
hala tanımadın sen, değil mi?
fakat ben, inan bana, gördüm

ay doğmuş
anlıyor musun?

ışığı girmiş hayatıma

Mar 6, 2012

breaking news! of hi-ss-tory.

if televised, the dead are more important
brought to court, the outrage more legit

once it happens off the frame 
nothing can support the claim
of suffering. no audience will hear
cruel deeds without a medium
don't have the same appeal
a distant pain is such a bore...

but hand me some photos of a war,
not black nor white, but crimson,
I emote. so sad. so dead. 

hollow eyes of starving children
twiglike limbs of detainees
mushroom clouds and brave young pilots
bring my heartstrings to my sleeve

did you see the towers crumble?
count the dead in middle east?
plain statistics are too humble
for the eye not quite the treat

hot and salty, sticky, rolling 
lower, dropping from the cheeks
I hope someone clicked record 
while men were murdered on the street
kids are crying and women wailing 
bright in color, clear in sound
and their woes gain more momentum 
and the punishment more ground

where is god? they yelled in anguish
where was man? were answered back
if you didn't catch the footage 
it won't count as proven fact

so go suffer if you have to 
but please try to entertain
I won't blink twice for the corpses
numbers really have no name

Jan 31, 2012


bazı şeyler düzeltilmez, kırılır
vurulmuş bir çocuk izlerini silmez
bazı kelimeler düşünülmez konuşulur
bazı düşünülen iki katı zarar verir

bazı hayaller kurulmaz, yaşanırlar
kuşlar da evvel uçmaktan korkardılar
bazı zamanlar geçirilmez, harcanırlar
bazı harcanmış olan iki kat yükseğe uçturur

bazı aşklar ne yaşanır ne unutulur
pişmanlıklar ne terkedilir ne eğitir
bazı meyveler çürümüşken bile yenilmeli
İşte bunlardır seni kendine ulaştıran


Yemin ederim ki gözlerin arkasına
iki bakış
ını yakan mum saklıdır.
Onları kapatmazsan dünyam kararmaz.

Jan 30, 2012


some things don't get fixed they get broken
a child who's been hit keeps the scars
some words are not thought but get spoken
some thought do double the harm

some dreams are not dreamed they are tasted
birds, too, once were frightened to fly
some times don't get spent they get wasted
some wasted give double the high

some loves are not loved nor forgotten
regrets not let go nor learnt from
some fruits must be eaten though rotten
they're steps to the one you become

Jan 29, 2012

väike prints

at once I was smitten
my heart woke from sleep
my arms curled around you
to hold you to keep

the poems I’d written
on wavetops to stay
for a lingering moment
you’d read them and say

that the hope I now nurture
is one you’ll lend wings
when arms get divided
our souls may still sing

to a tune we together
invent and let soar
to a song of forever
one moment and more


he didn't cry when they found him on the doorstep
or complain when love was interchanged for goods

he was fed and he was guarded
never hungry, always safe
he was cared for, he was sorted
growing bigger day by day

he was given all he needed
but was never in demand
surely he was not mistreated
just required once to stand

on his own feet and be leaving
to a life of mad success
and remember to be speaking
of their kindness in excess

he didn't cry when he was hugging them farewell
he kissed goodbye and he was surely never missed

and in his life 
before and after

he had a single sad regret
he wished his mother and his father
had never 


I knew it
If I had another chance
I’d live more fully
Turn it all around

From fear I would discover my desire
From sorrow I would manifest my strength
And having had complaints and been a crier
My shortcomings would suddenly gain length

And here I am and sitting and I’m thanking
That life presented me a second chance
And here I am more fully and I’m thinking
My thoughts which now can purposefully dance

I miss

A voice
It isn’t enough
A memory
Hardly enough
A promise
Terribly vague
A ransom
Never to pay

free flee flea fallin

without a warning
will you do it
to be free
if a flower
from the soil
should grow on you
alone would surely die

without a warning
as a bird
you need to fly
once returned
you only wonder
why the tears
the solemn eye

people, friends and family
finally retreat
now in your depravity
shame is obsolete

why change the one
who needs to run
why run
the planet’s round

you’ll never catch a single breath
you’ll never win the race with

without a warning
will you do it
to be free
if a flower
needs protection
from a flower
would you flee?

without a warning
to your understanding wife
without a warning
will you make the run
your life

everybody knows you run
why change what you have always done
and people
they forgive
that you pursue
to remain free
the shame is obsolete
in your undue depravity

without a warning
maybe weeks
you wish to run
will you do it
once you father
a dependent baby son

if a flower needs protection
will you raise it
to the bloom
if you run
without a warning
our blossom faces doom


empty with a hint of desperation
easily the prettiest of all
I wonder if I grant her satisfaction
could I for my attention make her crawl

vacant are her eyes to most observers
I for one see searchlight in their gaze
all the desperation that concerns her
I could almost certainly erase

and after she’s reborn in my affection
day by day more restless would I grow
surely if she senses my rejection
boredom of our perfect status quo

surely she would shed a hundred teardrops
surely I would further pull away
empty with a hint of desperation
again she’d be tomorrow or today

what a poor dependent love forsaken lady
yet easily the prettiest of all
one day she will grow stonger and then maybe
once more and far more deeply I would fall

loving her is effortlessly easy
loving she is bound to be fulfilled
I miss her and believe me it would please me
to see her shining happy. and she will.


he really loved the children
one happy family
he really loved the children
so unmistakably
he really loved the children
confused and teary-eyed
he really loved the children
but never quite said why
he really loved the children
so fragile, pure and slim
he really loved the children
blue spots and boney limbs
he really loved the children
whose souls he tore apart
he really loved the children
their silent trustful heart
he really loved the children
their secrets so well kept
from all the love the children
they wept. and wept. and wept.


the present is
when you’re totally present
with the present
of the present.
do you like your present,
my present?
am I your present
cause you surely are mine
a present
from the present
of the present
that I love


hõiked, millest suudan eraldada vaid
õllelõhna ja
üksteise ületrumpamise ühtekuuluvust

paaritumistantsud. meelitatud naer
tubakavärvid ja lõhnakõned
praksuvad siidripurgid maniküüritud käed

millal nad magama lähevad?
Millal nad üles ärkavad?
Ja kuhu viib neid hommikune rong?


I recall
to me a stranger was born
I held my
baby but felt no connection

is it oh is it
a girl or a boy
is she or is he
a child or a toy

I want to give you my Love..!
but I don't even know who you are!!!

oh... but she was so special...
oh yeah, she was...
oh he was so special
he was so wise

desires and fears
her heart, mind, soul and eyes

is she or is he 
a girl or a boy
am I his mother 
or am I her toy

alien babies
are born more today
cameleon babies 
born to x-ray

alien babies 
our mirror is here
cameleon children

alien babies 
they mean you no harm
by changing us as
they kiss and disarm


on the great journey of self discovery one must realize what it is that makes him tick... what it is that we can identify with. our will? our ways? our shiny hair?
our pain? our love? our sense of fair?
our notions all of right and wrong?
or with our soul? where we belong?

so... even if we never manage to fit our self in words... perhaps the goal is to stop trying.
we are.
what more is there to say?

well, I'm a woman
able to talk 
for days.

and there you go.
new poem.
drumroll, please.


they are dumb
and mind
while heart
is resolute

how strange...
most days I 'm able to
both master my emotions
and then control my mind
my silly little heart alone
has little sight, is blind...
it only wants to love

how strange
emotions like a passing wind
blow left and all around
my mind is strange
once in a while
I get lost in it's ways
a tree with branches stretching wide
leaves dancing in a breeze
how strange there do occur the days
when I can master both
and please
my yearning for control

and then
my heart
poor little child
has little discipline
poor little heart
too open wide
too weak, too weak for me

"go left"
I say
and it turns right
"come back"
it leaves without a sight
oh heart
did you not hear what I commanded you to do?
oh heart, you silly little thing
why won't you ever listen to
my thoughts
why don't you ever follow through
with that which I must do?

why not? the heart replies
to me you rarely speak at all
or hear my good advice
you only worry
over a pair of rolling dice
you barely listen to my truth
and of that truth,
the most of it declare
I only do react in ways I thought you would think fair

accept what you can never change
I stand free in all my ways
of love I only know to speak
if that's what you say makes me weak
my dear
you must be right
but love, we shouldn't fight
