Jan 29, 2012

Girl, Boy, Prince

a girl met a boy
who worshiped her words
she laughed in his presence
he listened to her
the girl was a beauty
throughout, and a catch
the boy was quite pleasant
but hardly her match
the girl knew she loved him
in return, she was loved
she settled down, content
he settled down, proud
along came a prince
swept the girl off her feet
ex-boy now a friend
got a kiss on the cheek
saw the prince build a castle
and the girl call it home
a chateau of marble
and glass domes and gold
the rooms were all perfect
the servants all smiled
ex-girl now a queen
was quite happy a while
till the glass domes were broken
rebuilt, but in vain
the queen felt a shiver
she echoed in pain

the king flinched a shoulder
as cold as the chance
for a happy

the boy now is bitter
the king is depressed
while his minions insist
that the queen is possessed
the boy scoffs at beauty
the king scolds at joy
the queen regrets losing
the girl and the boy